Training Visionary Mentors, Educators and Leaders
in Multidimensional Awareness for Self-Mastery
and Professional Excellence in a Rapidly Changing World

Soul Psychology &
The Principles of Transformation

If you go any distance with personal transformation work:

You eventually want to understand altered or 'non-ordinary' states (as Stanislav Grof calls them in his Transpersonal Psychology), which take into account the multidimensional inputs that affect who we are in this plane walking down the street, doing what we do.

Be it dream states, plant medicine or psychedelic journeys, deep states of trance or simply (but powerfully) meditation, the accelerated expansion of consciousness is catapulting us to access more of who we are.

My first two books deal with our mental patterns and how they work.

The approach then expanded to view the individual as a multidimensional being (I refer to this as the soul) who is connected to multiple other lifetimes and experiences across time and space; experiences that, like waves rising and falling, can influence this life in varying degrees of intensity at different times during this human lifetime.

Going further back we reach the Monad, which is our portion of Source as it first separated - but we don't need to go into that just yet.

The nature of the hologram is that the findings in those first two books could easily be extrapolated to the multidimensional self, which includes beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviours as well as - the more ‘nebulous’ - impressions, synchronicities, sensations and inexplicable reactions; aversions and compulsions.

As my work evolved, I now find it increasingly easier to access a client’s parallel lifetimes while speaking them and pull together a bigger picture of the 'whys' for their soul choices in this lifetime.

Sometimes this information comes through in a consult or mentoring call, other times to go deeper and focus on the very core I suggest accompanying Shamanic Sessions dedicated to unravelling the core of the issue.

Soul Psychology covers topics like:

Soul Evolution: The idea that the soul is evolving through incarnations in the third dimension, and that each incarnation provides an opportunity for learning and growth.

Enlightenment: The state of being fully aware of one’s true nature as a soul, and the connection to the higher self and the divine.

Soul Psychology and Planetary Healing: The role of soul psychology in helping humanity and the Earth to ascend to a higher dimension of existence, and the techniques for healing the collective consciousness.

Soul Group Psychology: The concept of soul families, soul mates, and twin flames, and how they interact and influence each other across lifetimes.

Restoring the Self: The process of healing the wounds and traumas that affect the soul, and reclaiming one’s power and potential.

Uncovering the Mystery of the Mental Body: The exploration of the different levels of the mind, from the subconscious to the Higher Mind, and how they affect one’s reality.

Negative Self-Talk: The identification and transformation of the negative thoughts and beliefs that limit one’s happiness and success.

Altered States of Consciousness: The use of meditation, hypnosis, trance, and other methods to access higher states of awareness and intuition.

Cosmic Karma: The understanding of the universal laws of cause and effect, and how they apply to one’s soul journey.

The Principles of Transformation:

…And the role of soul.

I find the Wingmakers material a constant inspiration that affirms many of my own views. This video provides a good a summary of their philosophy.

Here’s a transcript